First, choose your betting site. You’ll find our list of recommended UK betting sites for the NBA on this page. ⭕️ If you follow the links provided, you’ll automatically be taken to the latest welcome bonus, which means you can get ⭕️ extra value on your first NBA bet.
Once you’re signed up, head to the A-Z of sports and click on ‘Basketball’ ⭕️ or ‘NBA’ to explore the markets. Input your stake, click ‘Confirm’, and you’re all set.
Aside from the logistics of where ⭕️ to click, there are also a few other things you should know about betting on the NBA at UK sites. ⭕️ We’ve explained them below.
NBA structure
If you’re not familiar with the NBA, the structure can be a tad confusing at first. ⭕️ 30 teams are divided into divisions. They then play a significant 82 matches to see who can finish in one ⭕️ of the top eight positions and secure a place in the playoffs. This is made up of four matches against ⭕️ their four division opponents, four against their six conference opponents, three against the other four teams in the conference, and ⭕️ a couple of matches played against squads in the opposing conference.
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